FUTURE DUB ::: 'Bass Wishes' on Friday 03 Jan 2014

FUTURE DUB will open your new year smoothly (!) as always, -all night long- full of bass music.. with two finest producers, members of the Vlastur band, and residents at the Future Dub Events..
FutuRe Dub E.P. released by Sonic Loom will be available at the party - so ASK your DJ's for it, if you are a collector, or wish to support... THE FUCKING MUSIC !!!
Rendez-vous at:
Loukoumi Bar, in the heart of the old city center of Athens..
Located exactly: Avissinias Square 3
Closest metro station: Monastiraki AND Thiseio
Doors will be open all day & night of course, but our bass wishes for 2014 will start around 22:30 / 23:00
Oh YEAH and the entrance is free of course ;)
We meet there on the 3rd of the new year.. till then.. be all well..
P.S. There will be a Box.. for our two friends Sotokkan and Maria... most of you know the story well now... ANY help is appreciated..
Loukoumi Bar
Πλατεια Αβησσυνιας 3, Monastiraki Athens, Greece
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