Journey to Baltimore EP – Addis Pablo. Mikey General,

Queen Omega
Posted on February 25, 2014 in Reggae, Reviews by wordplay. Bookmark the permalink.
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Anyone who is into Jamaican music at the minute will know that anything Addis Pablo touches turns to gold! This can be seen with this superb triple release from the Suns of Dub camp. A fine rootsy re-lick of the classic ‘Baltimore’ riddim sees veteran artist Mikey General touches down with ‘Zion I Children’ riding the riddim in a way only a veteran entertainer can, perfect timing and amazing powerful voice pleading with the youth to live up. The riddim is heavily bass led and atmospheric in nature, personally I could do with harder drums. Following this ( if you play them in ‘order’) Queen Omega chants some fire with her militant ‘Life as a Soldier’. Wicked tunes, wicked artists. Then comes the dub featuring Addis Pablo himself, in the style of his father Augustus, bringing the humble melodica back into the forefront of reggae music. The third cut is mystical, achieving vibes that only the melodica can bring to a track. The dub is mixed properly, much more than just a riddim track and the younger Pablo steals the show as we have come to expect. Getting play by the heavyweights such as Rodigan constantly, Pablo and the Suns of Dub collective are a sure fire hit from JA to UK and will continue to be for quite some time. I know for a fact that they have new artists ready to bust, and believe me, they ain’t no joke!
Journey to Baltimore EP available on iTunes now, buy it, support real music..
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