To IRIE Action Sound System
μετά τον εορτασμό των 10 χρόνων επιστρέφει στον ημιυπόγειο χώρο του
Χυτηρίου για την πρώτη του ολονύχτια Reggae συνάντηση της σεζόν με
βασικά συστατικά την καλή ενέργεια και τις ‘’βαριές’’ μπασογραμμές των
μουσικών επιλογών.
Αποστολή του Irie Action είναι να ομορφαίνει την πόλη
και να κατεδαφίζει βήμα βήμα τους τοίχους του αστικού τοπίου μέσω της
Roots Rock Reggae μουσικής. Καλεσμένος του Irie Action o Dennis Capra
από την Νάπολη της Νότιας Ιταλίας. Ιδρυτικό μέλος του 48 Roots Sound
System της Μπολόνια, ένα απο τα πιό δυνατά και ευρέως γνωστό ηχοσύστημα
στην Ιταλία.Αφοσιωμένος στην δημιουργία και την διάδοση της Reggae απο
το 2005 έχει δημιουργήσει την Capra Records με κυκλοφορίες και
συνεργασίες με παραγωγούς όπως η Scotch Bonner Records( Mungo’s Hi-Fi
Label) Rupa Rupa Records, Top Smile. Έχει τραγουδήσει και κάνει Toasting
σε αρκετά ηχοσυστήματα παγκοσμίως όπως οι O.B.F. , The Bush Chemists,
Jah Observer, Saxon Sound.
Irie Action Sound System
With common base the love for Reggae music and influenced by the
Culture of Jamaican Soundsystems started in 2005 as URM with members
Man'O, Oldjohn, Nesco. Having built a small sound system did our first
nights on campus. Then having come in 2009 as Irie Action with Soundman
now in the team, strengthened step by step the sound to be able to cover
the largest space needs and also doing some nights with artists from
Europe and Jamaica (Uwe Banton, Earl Sixteen, U-Brown , Ras Daniel Ray,
Marlene Johnson, Horace Martin, King Shiloh). During 2009-2010 released
two vinyls as Irie Action in cooperation with Ranking Joe, Ranking
Trevor, Fitta Warri, Earl Zero, Ranking Forest with Greek producer and
musician Outspoken Brothers. Today we continue to Do The Reggae with
core OldJohn, Soundman, Nesco, K-Mood.
Dennis Capra
Capra Records is a Roots Reggae label mainly influenced by the 70’s and
80’s jamaican scene. Capra Records specialize in supporting and
promoting new talents and distribute records in Europe, Japan and
America. Kapra Dubplates is a sub-label, which is more oriented around
contemporary dub and digital sounds, whose first release has been played
by Jah Shaka. The man behind the projects is Dennis Capra, born and
raised in Naples, South Italy. He is a soundman, producer and dubmaster
and is well known for his first class talent in toasting and selecting.
Dennis Capra has been in the music business since 2005. Along the way he
has collected an extensive record collection, and since 2014, has been
playing regularly for Dub Force Radio and now promotes a event called
Dreadlocks Arena. He has performed many sessions across Europe which
include Italy, Spain, UK, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Portugal. In
2008, Dennis Capra co-founded 48 Roots Sound System which is based in
Bologna, Italy. 48 Roots have ‘warmed up the dance’ for many artists
including Jah Shaka, Aba Shanti-I, Mad Professor, Jah Observer, Channel
One, Fatman Hi-Fi and many more. 2016 saw Dennis Capra move his studio
in Barcelona, Spain and temporarily stop his collaboration with 48
Roots; leaving behind his name ‘Capra Dread’. He has sung and toasted on
many Italian and international sound systems including O.B.F, The Bush
Chemists, Jah Observer, Saxon Sound and many more. Throughout his music
career, he has recorded songs for various producers such as, Scotch
Bonnet Records, Mungo’s Hi-Fi Label, Rupa Rupa Records, Top Smile and
more. Listening to Capra Records, live or recorded, is a unique journey.
To hear music that unifies into one harmonious sound from different
countries and ages is truly an unforgettable experience. Capra Records
creates an eternal sound made for people who can’t stop dancing to Jah
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