Σάββατο, 3 Φεβρουαρίου
Potamianou 23, Ilisia, Αθήνα
EL PASO Soundsystem takeoverz RedSea ReggaeHouse for a big dancing night with special guests straight outta Bergamo,Italy
"I-TREES" the Bulldozer Sound !!

I-Trees Sound, aka the Bulldozer sound, is a 2004 born project.
Francesco "Baje", Dimitri "Prepio" and Michele "Al Maiky" founded it,
living and playing in Bergamo and Bologna. After learning the teachings
of the godfather Quickly Burnin’ (one of the first sound systems in
Bergamo), these three reggae-addicted guys started to play music
wherever was possible, building a characteristic and typical style
(wellknown today as the “bulldozer style”) made of danceable selections,
burning speech and various influencences coming from different musical
genres close to the reggae.
The tiny
and glorious Caffè Morzenti and the Pacì Paciana squat, in Bergamo,
were the main I-Trees yards for the first three years. Then, the Sound
started to play all around Northern Italy making the fire burn all over
the country (Rainbow Club, Blanco Cafè and Live Club, Cantiere,
Leoncavallo, Pergola and Fornace squats in Milan; Murazzi and Muretto
squats in Turin; TDN squat, Balla coi Cinghiali festival, Multedo beach
in Liguria region; Sottotetto club, Sotto il Ponte di Via Libia, Crash
and XM24 squats in Bologna are only a few of the yards that I-Trees were
used to burn).
The experience of the sound and the quality of the
selections were growing, as well as the dubplates collection, and the
Sound enlarged with new soundboys (with the cooperation of Emanuel
"White Lion"). Thus, the I-Trees Sound started to participate to the
first reggae sound clashes, confronting with different massives and
sounds and testing its power. The first sound clash cups arrived after
the "BG clash 2008" in Bergamo, "Mezzanotte di fuoco" and "45 shootout
2008 and 2009" in Milan.
While the sound of the I-Trees was
expanding all over Italy, another project called Bergamoreggae Crew was
growing with the help of the I-Trees Sound. Bergamoreggae is a cultural
association aiming at organize and promote festivals and concerts,
bringing reggae music and international artists to the local scale of
the province of Bergamo (in the first four editions of the
"Bergaamoreggae Sunfest" have been invited Mr Vegas, Etana, Bitty
McLean, Inner Circle, Romain Virgo, Derrick Morgan, Ward 21, Dawn Penn,
The production of new remixes and the cooperation with
emerging singers and mcs leaded to the creation of the “Can-I-B.I.S.
records”, an indipendent label founded with Bonnot (Assalti Frontali,
AP2P) and Shanty Sound (Bergamoreggae) aiming at create original music
(as the THC riddim, famous for the versions of Ward 21, General Levy and
the Italian singer Jr Sprea) . Four volums of the "Daga det mixtape",
in a pure I-Trees style, have been produced as well.
In the
following years, the Sound enlarged more and more including the new mc
Dario "Mighty T", Federico "Rootsman" and the young Sem. I-Trees won 3
dubplate sound clashes at a national level during 2012: the Va-fun clash
2k12" against T-I sound (Switzerland) and the two fases of the "Brand
new soundkilla cup clash 2k12", which was a sound clash tournament
involving 12 sounds coming from all over Italy. So, I-Trees Sound
awarded the title of new Italian soundkiller. During the first months of
2014 I-Trees Sound celebrated its first 10-years birthday with a party
in its new yard in Bergamo, the Ink Club. Then, in the same year, the
Sound went back to arena winning the first edition of the “Fight Club
Soundclash” in Modena against Banpay crew, outta Florence.
The Sound
keeps on growing with new soundboys as Giuseppe Giuppi (from Solid
State sound) and Otello Towelie (from Rome). “Always keepin’ dem
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